To change AI Fighter settings, go to "Kustomize" and select a character. For most battles using AI Fighters, put most points in the "Combo" and "Reversal" stats. All you need to do is press continue between fights. Using an AI Fighter will earn you the exact same rewards as a standard fighter. To use them, simply toggle on the "AI Fighter" option after selecting a character, but before entering a battle. Easy towers and rewardsĪI Fighters can be used as substitutes for almost every Tower Of Time challenge. Additionally, by performing a Mercy finisher, you will get two hearts instead of one. To make it easier, just spam LT + Down in quick succession. When the game says "Finish Him/Her," stand at mid-distance and quickly press LT + Down, LT + Down, LT + Down. It can only be used in the last round of the match. Mercy is a special move that revives a dying opponent and gives them a bit of health back. Once the match begins, you will unlock the "Teamwork" achievement. Select "Search For Players" or "Invite Players".

Select the boss tower, and it will display the "Group Battle" screen. You can tell because it only has one opponent in it. Successfully complete the four tutorial towers to unlock the main towers. Team Battle modeĪt the main menu, select "Konquer" then "Towers Of Time". Successfully complete the Basic, Intermediate, and Expert sections of the Tutorial to unlock the Shao Kahn announcer voice. Successfully complete all 30 stages of the Gauntlet to unlock the Fire God Liu Kang skin. Successfully complete Chapter 4 in Story mode to unlock Frost.